Work In Canada

Securing Employment in Canada After Graduation: A Guide

Upon completing their studies, many students opt to reside in Canada due to ample job opportunities available for both Indian and international students. However, before commencing work, it’s crucial for students to understand the prerequisites for working in Canada. To work in the country, a student must obtain either a post-graduation work permit, an employer-specific work permit, or an open work permit.

Explore this blog to gain insights into these work permits, including eligibility criteria, durations, and options for permanent residence in Canada.

Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP)

For those seeking temporary employment in Canada, acquiring a post-graduation work permit (PGWP) is essential. This permit allows students who have graduated from a Canadian Designated Learning Institution (DLI) to work in the country.


Applicants studying in Canada are eligible to apply for a post-graduation work permit once in their lifetime.

Eligibility for the Post-Graduation Work Permit

To qualify for PGWP, students must meet the following requirements:

    1. Completion of an academic, vocational, or professional program lasting a minimum of 8 months at a PGWP-eligible designated learning institution.
    2. Application for PGWP must be submitted within 180 days from the date of completing graduation.
    3. Possession of a valid study permit.
    4. Maintenance of full-time student status during each semester of the study program in Canada.

Special cases

There are some exceptional cases when an international student is eligible for PGWP as follows.

  • Accelerated ProgramStudents who complete a program in less time than its normal duration may qualify for a PGWP.

    Transfers between Schools

    • If transferring between Designated Learning Institutions (DLIs), the combined study duration must be eight months for eligibility.
    • Transfers from a non-DLI to a DLI are counted only for the time spent at the DLI, with a minimum requirement of 8 months.

    Programs with an Overseas Component

    Completion of a program in Canada with an overseas component makes students eligible for a PGWP.

    Ineligibility Criteria

    Applicants are ineligible if they:

    • Have previously been issued a post-graduation work permit.
    • Enrolled as a part-time student in the program.
    • Received an equal-opportunity scholarship.
    • Participated in the organization of the American States Fellowships Program.
    • Received funding from Global Affairs Canada (GAC).

Duration of PGWP

The PGWP duration is based on the program length:

    • Programs less than eight months make students ineligible for a PGWP.
    • Programs between 8 months and two years result in a PGWP valid for the same length as the study program.
    • Programs longer than two years grant a three-year valid PGWP.
    • Completion of multiple programs is eligible for a PGWP if each program is at least eight months long.

Processing time and fee

The processing time for PGWP will vary according to the following parameters:

  • Type of application submitted.
  • Easiness of verification of application.
  • Number of applications received.
  • Whether the application is completed.
  • How quickly students respond to concerns and requests.

The current processing time for online applications stands at 141 days, while paper-based applications are taking 19 days for processing. It’s important to note that these processing times can fluctuate throughout the year. The fee for PGWP is $250 to $300 CAN approximately, and the restoration of PGWP is $600 to $650 CAN approximately which is subject to change.

Get your documents ready

To apply for PWGP, students must give proof of their studies completion. For that, the applicant can show any of the following documents:

  • A degree or diploma
  • An official letter from the school
  • An official transcript from the school’s website

Other permits

If students are not eligible for PGWP, they can still work in Canada with the help of 2 work permits, which are an Employer-specific work permit and an Open work permit. Let’s know about them.

Employer-specific work permit

An Employer-specific work permit allows students to work according to conditions which include:

  • Name of employer students can work for
  • How long they can work
  • The location they can work (if applicable)

Open work permit

An Open work permit allows students to work for any employer in Canada except for an employer:

  • Who is listed as ineligible on the list of employers who failed to comply with the conditions.
  • Who regularly offers erotic dance, escort service or erotic massages.

Permanent Residence Options

The students can also get permanent residence and can live forever in Canada. There are two ways to do the same. First is the Canadian Experience Class and second is Provincial nominee program. Let’s understand both.

Canadian Experience Class

The Canadian Experience Class program allows international students who graduated from a participating Canadian post-secondary institution to get Canadian permanent residence.


  • Graduation from a Canadian post-secondary institution with at least one year of full-time skilled work.
  • Must have 12 months of work experience in Canada under a work or study visa.
  • Submit an application within one year after leaving Canada or while working in Canada.
  • Possess a valid language assessment.

Provincial nominee programs

The international students who graduated from a participating Canadian post-secondary institution can get Canadian permanent residence through Provincial nominee programs.



  • Submit an application.
  • Pass a medical examination.
  • Submit a separate application to Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

In Conclusion

While international students in Canada can pursue part-time jobs, obtaining a permit is essential for full-time employment. Three types of work permits—Post-graduation work permit, Employer-specific work permit, and Open work permits—are available for students. Additionally, pathways to permanent residence, such as Permanent Residence Options and Provincial Nominee Programs, offer opportunities for a long-term stay in Canada.

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