Study in Canada

Apply to Humber College 2024: An International Student’s Guide

Embarking on your journey to Humber College, renowned for its career-centric education in Canada? Brace yourself, prospective Humber student, as navigating the application process as an international student may seem as challenging as scaling Everest in flip-flops. Fear not, though, as we’ve crafted this comprehensive guide to serve as your personal sherpa, guiding you to Humber’s summit.

Step 1: Select Your Path:

With over 200 programs spread across 7 campuses, Humber offers a plethora of specialized opportunities. Whether your aspirations lean towards nursing, graphic design, aviation, or entrepreneurship, there’s a niche for every dream. Peruse the program list, sip on your coffee, and choose wisely – it’s not a lifelong commitment, but it’s pretty close!


Step 2: Equip Yourself: Requirements and Deadlines:

Time to get organized, my friend. Each program has specific entry requirements, so scrutinize them like a hawk. Typically, you’ll need high school transcripts translated into English (by certified translators, not your cousin with a brief stint in English lit), proof of English language proficiency (consider IELTS or TOEFL), and possibly specific subject prerequisites. Got it? Fantastic.

Deadlines are crucial. For most programs, the equal consideration deadline is February 1st, 2024. After that, it’s first-come, first-served, so don’t be a procrastinator panda – seize the opportunity!

Step 3: Ascend the Application Mountain:

Ready to submit your application? Head to the Ontario Colleges Application Service (OCAS) website – your portal to Humber glory. Complete the form with all your details, including academic history, a compelling personal statement (let them know why you’re exceptional!), and your program choices. Ensure you upload those required documents – consider them your climbing crampons.

Step 4: Financial Foothold: The Cost-of-Living Climb:

Living in Canada isn’t a walk in the park, especially on a student budget. Factor in tuition fees, housing costs, food, transportation, and perhaps a maple syrup indulgence (it’s a thing). To meet the minimum financial requirement of $20,635, demonstrate proof of sufficient funds through bank statements or sponsorship documents.

Step 5: Visa Victory: Your Golden Ticket to Canada:

Once Humber extends its welcome (hooray!), it’s visa time. Secure a study permit – the magical key to unlock the Canadian border. Expect some paperwork acrobatics, but fear not, Humber’s International Centre is your dependable guide. Follow their instructions, gather the necessary documents (passport, application fees, proof of financial support), and submit well in advance – processing times can be as arduous as trekking through glaciers.

Bonus Level: Scholarships and Support – Your Sherpa Squad:

Being an international student can be pricey, but fret not! Humber provides numerous scholarships and bursaries to alleviate the financial burden. Explore their website, apply for those tailored to your excellence – you might just snag some tuition assistance! Humber’s International Centre offers extensive support services, from pre-arrival workshops to cultural events. Reach out, tap into their expertise, and don’t be shy.

Remember: Patience is key. The application process takes time, so stay composed, stay organized, and keep a vigilant eye on your email – avoid letting those application updates get lost in the spam folder!

Congratulations, Future Humberhawk!

You’ve conquered the application mountain, subdued the visa beast, and now stand on the threshold of Humber College. Brace yourself for an extraordinary journey filled with learning, exploration, and perhaps a taste of poutine. You’re not merely an international student; you’re a Humberhawk, an integral part of a vibrant community ready to support you every step of the way. Spread your wings, embrace the Canadian dream, and soar!

Additional Tips:

Participate in virtual open houses and program information sessions for deeper insights into specific programs.
Connect with current international students through Humber’s online communities and social media platforms.
Research housing options and initiate early planning for your living arrangements.
Pack for all seasons – Canadian weather is a rollercoaster ride!
Embrace cultural differences and be open to new experiences.
Remember, this guide is just the beginning. Dive into Humber’s website, explore their resources, and above all, believe in yourself. You’ve got this!


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